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Social and economic development

PJSC Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant is a principal employer and mainstay of the entire town and its activity is a main factor of social stability at the appropriate territories. Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant defined a number of top-priority goals in the social policy: development and implementation of various social programs and activities in education, assistance in rendering well competent medical services to citizens by the health care institutions, improvement of town infrastructure and so on.

Annually Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant concludes the agreement on social and economic cooperation with Khartsyzsk Municipal Council. Participatory approach of business and town authorities to accomplish social and economic town development issues allows to coordinate activities in the required direction, defining distinct, regulated system of interaction between town authorities and Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant towards implementation of program focused on town social spheres development.

The practice of such cooperation has existed at the plant since 2009.

A brand new approach in the relationships between the town and the plant based on the cooperation agreement permitted to develop a well-defined scheme and indentified priority fields of targeted aid to the town. Partnership between the plant and the town is a systematic and consistent one and it is aimed to achievement of long-term and significant result in social and economic development of the town.

In 2010 the total investment volume of Khartsyzsk Pipe Plant in town social programs amounted to 2,2 mln UAH.