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Occupational Health and Safety

The programs oriented to devastating diseases control are constantly developed and implemented at the company:

    • 2010 – staff of the health post read 509 lectures to company’s employees where the information about primary symptoms of various devastating diseases, methods of their treatment and preventive measures was given;
    • information about medical treatment facilities providing services for prevention and treatment of such diseases as HIV / AIDS, diabetes, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases is constantly available. 9 sanitary bulletins were published to enlighten the employees;

      In order to prevent and control risks the plant has done the work in these directions:

      • early detection of tuberculosis (1606 examinations were performed);
      • early detection of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease (1072 examinations were performed);
      • early detection of cancer pathologies (102 examinations were performed);
      • detection of HIV / AIDS;
      • photofluorographic examination of all plant employees is carried out  regularly for tuberculosis prevention.

      In 2010 the training device was purchased for training and improvement of skills and practical actions in the field of cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation.

      As the result of the executed work for health protection the infection rate with temporary loss of capacity to labour was reduced by 17% in days and 16% in cases in 2010 in comparison with 2009.

      As the result of the executed work for health protection the infection rate with temporary loss of capacity to labour was reduced by 17% in days and 16% in cases in 2010 in comparison with 2009.